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RWE and Masdar create the 3 GW Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Pact

Masdar, clean energy leader of the UAE has confirmed the acquisition of a 49% stake in the UK Dogger Bank South (DBS) offshore wind projects, as part of the agreement with RWE.

The partners will work together with the delivery of these new wind projects. RWE, consisting of a 51% stake, will manage the development, construction and operation of the entire life cycle of the projects.

Based in the waters off the North Sea over 100 km from the east coast, DBS consists of two offshore wind projects. With a total installed capacity of 3 GW, DBS has the ability to make a significant contribution to the delivery of net zero in the UK. The two projects collectively are predicted to power up to 3 million UK households with green electricity.

The next critical development stage for the projects will be the submission of applications for Development Consent Orders, due to be completed in the next few months. If successful, the following steps would be securing Contracts for Difference (Cfd), then financing, construction and commissioning by 2031.

Markus Krebber, CEO of RWE explains that with Masdar they aim to generate 3GW of new offshore wind capacity and make a significant contribution to decarbonising the national energy system. Krebber highlights they are looking forward to the RWE and Masdar collaborating and progressing these projects.

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, the CEO of Masdar explains that the addition of the Dogger Bank South project represents their commitment to developing Masdar’s offshore wind capacity and experience as a vital part of their target of achieving 100 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.